The global leader in intermodal equipment leasing – delivering efficiency, visibility and sustainability through innovation

Global Leadership

SeaCube Containers leases, finances, buys, sells, and manages intermodal equipment which enables the efficient movement of goods throughout the world via ship, rail, and road.

As a leading refrigerated and intermodal solutions provider, SeaCube is committed to helping its customers reach their sustainability goals by investing in environmentally friendly solutions.

Technology thought leader, SeaCube believes in the value of data-driven insights and is dedicated to realizing its vision of telematics as a standard within its reefer fleet.

200 +
Depots Worldwide
4.0 +
Billion in Assets
2.4 +
Million CEU’s (Cost Equivalent Units) in Service
70 %
Fleet is Refrigerated Containers
Employees in 7 Offices Worldwide
30 +
Years of Industry Leadership